A Tooth with a Compromised Dental Filling Might Need a Dental Crown Restoration

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If you struggle to remember to brush your teeth twice each day, or you are remiss to thoroughly floss each evening, lingering bacteria in your mouth could cause a build-up of chronic plaque acids. This acidic environment could be exacerbated by frequently consuming acidic beverages.

If it persists, your tooth enamel could start to suffer some adverse effects. This could come in the form of increasing tooth sensitivity, newly developed cavities, or a modest degradation of a dental filling’s bond with the surrounding tooth enamel.

As a dental filling starts to fail, you might experience a noticeable change in the surface texture, discomfort in the tooth when biting down, or chronic sensitivity localized to the repaired tooth.

In a situation like this you need to have the tooth examined by your dentist. After performing a basic assessment of the tooth, they can help you understand your treatment options.

If there isn’t sufficient healthy tooth enamel remaining to secure a replacement filling, your dentist might recommend a dental crown restoration This will essentially replicate the entire tooth enamel layer with an alternative dental material.

This mode of treatment calls for removing whatever remains of the tooth’s natural enamel layer. This leaves behind a small post of dentin, which is known as an abutment. It will eventually anchor the dental crown in your mouth.

After it has been repaired in a dental lab you will need to return to Albrecht Family Dentistry to have it cemented onto the abutment with a strong dental adhesive.

If you live in Mentor, Ohio, and you have a tooth with a sensitive dental filling, you should not delay in calling 440-358-0495 to have it treated at Albrecht Family Dentistry.